The mikroC PRO for AVR provides a library for communication with the common
PS/2 keyboard.
Important :
- The library does not utilize interrupts for data retrieval, and requires the
oscillator clock to be at least 6MHz.
- The pins to which a PS/2 keyboard is attached should be connected to the
pull-up resistors.
- Although PS/2 is a two-way communication bus, this library does not provide
MCU-to-keyboard communication; e.g. pressing the Caps Lock key will
not turn on the Caps Lock LED.
External dependencies of PS/2 Library
The following variables must be defined in all projects using
PS/2 Library: |
Description : |
Example : |
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data; |
PS/2 Data line. |
sbit PS2_Data at PINC0_bit; |
extern sfr sbit PS2_In_Clock; |
PS/2 Clock line in. |
sbit PS2_In_Clock at
PINC1_bit; |
extern sfr sbit PS2_Out_Clock; |
PS/2 Clock line out. |
sbit PS2_Out_Clock at
PORTC1_bit; |
extern sfr sbit PS2_Data_Direction; |
Direction of the PS/2 Data pin. |
sbit PS2_Data_Direction at
DDC0_bit; |
extern sfr sbit PS2_Clock_Direction; |
Direction of the PS/2 Clock pin. |
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at
DDC1_bit; |
Library Routines
Prototype |
void Ps2_Config(); |
Returns |
Nothing. |
Description |
Initializes the MCU for work with the PS/2 keyboard. |
Requires |
Global variables :
PS2_Data: Data signal line
PS2_In_Clock: Clock signal line in
PS2_Out_Clock: Clock signal line out
PS2_Data_Direction: Direction of the Data pin
PS2_Clock_Direction: Direction of the Clock pin
be defined before using this function.
Example |
sbit PS2_Data at PINC0_bit;
sbit PS2_In_Clock at PINC1_bit;
sbit PS2_Out_Clock at PORTC1_bit;
sbit PS2_Data_Direction at DDC0_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at DDC1_bit;
Ps2_Config(); // Init PS/2 Keyboard
Prototype |
unsigned short Ps2_Key_Read(unsigned short *value, unsigned
short *special, unsigned short *pressed); |
Returns |
1 if reading of a key from the keyboard was successful
0 if no key was pressed
Description |
The function retrieves information on key pressed.
Parameters :
value: holds the value of the key pressed. For characters,
numerals, punctuation marks, and space value will store the
appropriate ASCII code.
Routine “recognizes” the function of Shift and Caps Lock,
and behaves appropriately. For special function keys .
special: is a flag for special function keys (F1,
Enter, Esc, etc). If key pressed is one of these,
special will be set to 1, otherwise 0.
pressed: is set to 1 if the key is pressed, and 0 if it is
Requires |
PS/2 keyboard needs to be initialized. |
Example |
unsigned short keydata = 0, special = 0, down = 0;
// Press Enter to continue:
do {
if (Ps2_Key_Read(&keydata, &special, &down)) {
if (down && (keydata == 16)) break;
} while (1);
Special Function Keys
Key |
Value returned |
F1 |
1 |
F2 |
2 |
F3 |
3 |
F4 |
4 |
F5 |
5 |
F6 |
6 |
F7 |
7 |
F8 |
8 |
F9 |
9 |
F10 |
10 |
F11 |
11 |
F12 |
12 |
Enter |
13 |
Page Up |
14 |
Page Down |
15 |
Backspace |
16 |
Insert |
17 |
Delete |
18 |
Windows |
19 |
Ctrl |
20 |
Shift |
21 |
Alt |
22 |
Print Screen |
23 |
Pause |
24 |
Caps Lock |
25 |
End |
26 |
Home |
27 |
Scroll Lock |
28 |
Num Lock |
29 |
Left Arrow |
30 |
Right Arrow |
31 |
Up Arrow |
32 |
Down Arrow |
33 |
Escape |
34 |
Tab |
35 |
Library Example
This simple example reads values of the pressed keys on the PS/2 keyboard and
sends them via
unsigned short keydata = 0, special = 0, down = 0;
sbit PS2_Data at PINC0_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Input at PINC1_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Output at PORTC1_bit;
sbit PS2_Data_Direction at DDC0_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at DDC1_bit;
void main() {
UART1_Init(19200); // Initialize UART module at 19200 bps
Ps2_Config(); // Init PS/2 Keyboard
Delay_ms(100); // Wait for keyboard to finish
do {
if (Ps2_Key_Read(&keydata, &special, &down)) {
if (down && (keydata == 16)) { // Backspace
else if (down && (keydata == 13)) { // Enter
UART1_Write('r'); // Send carriage return to usart terminal
//Usart_Write('n'); // Uncomment this line if usart terminal also expects line feed
// for new line transition
else if (down && !special && keydata) {
Delay_ms(10); // Debounce
} while (1);
HW Connection
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