Control LED Light brightness using PWM

CMO module is available with a number of AVR MCUs. mikroC PRO for AVR provides library which simplifies using PWM HW Module.
  Important :
  • AVR MCUs require you to specify the module you want to use. To select the desired PWM, simply change the letter x in the prototype for a number from 1 to 2. Number of UART modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library. 
    For the XMEGA family of MCUs change the xn in the routine prototype with C0, C1, D0, D1, E0, E1, F0 or F1 (MCU dependent).
  • For better understanding of PWM module it would be best to start with the example provided in Examples folder of our mikroC PRO for AVR compiler.
  • When you select a MCU, mikroC PRO for AVR automatically loads the correct PWM library (or libraries), which can be verified by looking at the Library Manager.
  • PWM library handles and initializes the PWM module on the given AVR MCU, but it is up to user to set the correct pins as PWM output, this topic will be covered later in this section.
  • mikroC PRO for AVR does not support enhanced PWM modules.

Library Routines

  • PWMx_Init
  • PWMx_Set_Duty
  • PWMx_Start
  • PWMx_Stop
  • PWM_xn_Init
  • PWM_xn_Set_Duty
  • PWM_xn_Start
  • PWM_xn_Stop


Prototype void PWMx_Init(unsigned short wave_mode, unsigned short prescaler, unsigned short inverted, unsigned short duty);
Returns Nothing.
Description Initializes the PWM module.
Parameters :
  • wave_mode: desired PWM mode (Phase Correct or Fast PWM depending on the chosen MCU).
    Value Description
    _PWM1_FAST_MODE Fast mode for PWM1
    _PWM1_PHASE_CORRECT_MODE Phase Correct mode for PWM1
    _PWM2_FAST_MODE Fast mode for PWM2
    _PWM2_PHASE_CORRECT_MODE Phase Correct mode for PWM2
  • prescaler: prescale value N = 1,8,64,256 or 1024 (some modules support 32 and 128, but for this you will need to check the datasheet for the desired MCU).
    Value Description
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_1 Sets prescaler value to 1 (No prescaling).
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_8 Sets prescaler value to 8.
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_32 Sets prescaler value to 32.
    This value is not available for every MCU, please consult appropriate datasheet.
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_64 Sets prescaler value to 64.
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_128 Sets prescaler value to 128.
    This value is not available for every MCU, please consult appropriate datasheet.
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_256 Sets prescaler value to 256.
    _PWM1_PRESCALER_1024 Sets prescaler value to 1024.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_1 Sets prescaler value to 1 for the second PWM module.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_8 Sets prescaler value to 8 for the second PWM module.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_32 Sets prescaler value to 32 for the second PWM module.
    This value is not available for every MCU, please consult appropriate datasheet.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_64 Sets prescaler value to 64 for the second PWM module.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_128 Sets prescaler value to 128 for the second PWM module.
    This value is not available for every MCU, please consult appropriate datasheet.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_256 Sets prescaler value to 256 for the second PWM module.
    _PWM2_PRESCALER_1024 Sets prescaler value to 1024 for the second PWM module.
  • inverted: inverted or non inverted PWM signal.
    Value Description
    _PWM1_INVERTED PWM1 inverted mode
    _PWM1_NON_INVERTED PWM1 noninverted mode
    _PWM2_INVERTED PWM2 inverted mode
    _PWM2_NON_INVERTED PWM2 noninverted mode
  • duty: sets duty ratio from 0 to 255.
PWMx_Init must be called before using other functions from PWM Library.
Requires You need a CMO on the given MCU (that supports PWM). Before calling this routine you must set the output pin for the PWM (according to the datasheet).
Example Initialize PWM module:


Prototype unsigned int PWM_xn_Init(unsigned long int freq_hz, unsigned short wave_mode);
Returns Calculated timer period (value written in PER register) for XMEGA family of MCUs.
Description Initializes the PWM module. Change the xn in the routine prototype with C0, C1, D0, D1, E0, E1, F0 or F1 (MCU dependent).
Parameters :
  • freq_hz: PWM frequency in Hz (refer to device datasheet for correct values in respect with Fosc).
  • wave_mode: desired PWM mode
    Value Description
    _PWM_SINGLE_SLOPE Single Slope Mode
    _PWM_DUAL_SLOPE Dual Slope Mode
Requires You need a CMO on the given MCU (that supports PWM). Before calling this routine you must set the output pin for the PWM (according to the datasheet).


Prototype void PWMx_Set_Duty(unsigned short duty);
Returns Nothing.
Description Changes PWM duty ratio. Parameter duty takes values from 0 to 255, where 0 is 0%, 127 is 50%, and 255 is 100% duty ratio. Other specific values for duty ratio can be calculated as (Percent*255)/100.
Parameters :
  • duty: sets duty ratio from 0 to 255.
Requires PWM module must to be initialised (PWMx_Init) before using this function.


Prototype void PWM_xn_Set_Duty(unsigned int duty_ratio, char inverted, char channel);
Returns Nothing.
Description Changes PWM duty ratio. Parameter duty takes values from 0 to 255, where 0 is 0%, 127 is 50%, and 255 is 100% duty ratio. Other specific values for duty ratio can be calculated as (Percent*255)/100.
Parameters :
  • duty_ratio: PWM duty ratio. Valid values: 0 to timer period returned by the PWM_xn_Init function.
  • inverted: inverted or non inverted PWM signal.
    Value Description
    _PWM_NON_INVERTED Non Inverted Mode
    _PWM_INVERTED Inverted Mode
  • channel: PWM channel. Values :
    Value Description
    _CCA_CHANNEL CCA channel
    _CCB_CHANNEL CCB channel
    _CCC_CHANNEL CCC (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Set_Duty.
    _CCD_CHANNEL CCD (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Set_Duty.
Requires PWM module must to be initialised (PWM_xn_Init) before using this function.


Prototype void PWMx_Start();
Returns Nothing.
Description Starts PWM.
Requires MCU must have CMO module to use this library. PWMx_Init must be called before using this routine.


Prototype void PWM_xn_Start(char channel);
Returns Nothing.
Description Starts PWM.
Parameters :
  • channel: Starts PWM at requested channel. Values :
    Value Description
    _CCA_CHANNEL CCA channel
    _CCB_CHANNEL CCB channel
    _CCD_CHANNEL CCC (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Start.
    _CCD_CHANNEL CCD (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Start.
Requires MCU must have CMO module to use this library.
PWM module must to be initialised (PWM_xn_Init) before using this function.


Prototype void PWMx_Stop();
Returns Nothing.
Description Stops the PWM.
Requires MCU must have CMO module to use this library. PWMx_Init and PWMx_Start must be called before using this routine using this routine, otherwise it will have no effect as the PWM module is not running.


Prototype void PWM_xn_Stop(char channel);
Returns Nothing.
Description Stops the PWM.
Parameters :
  • channel: Stops PWM at requested channel. Values :
    Value Description
    _CCA_CHANNEL CCA channel
    _CCB_CHANNEL CCB channel
    _CCC_CHANNEL CCC channel (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Stop.
    _CCD_CHANNEL CCD channel (this channel not available from PWM_x1_Stop.
Requires MCU must have CMO module to use this library.
using this routine otherwise it will have no effect as the PWM module is not running.

Library Example

The example changes PWM duty ratio on pin PB3 continually. If LED is connected to PB3, you can observe the gradual change of emitted light.

char current_duty;
char current_duty1;
void main(){
DDB0_bit = 0; // Set PORTB pin 0 as input
DDB1_bit = 0; // Set PORTB pin 1 as input
DDC0_bit = 0; // Set PORTC pin 0 as input
DDC1_bit = 0; // Set PORTC pin 1 as input
current_duty = 32; // initial value for current_duty
current_duty1 = 32; // initial value for current_duty
DDB3_bit = 1; // Set PORTB pin 3 as output pin for the PWM (according to datasheet)
DDD7_bit = 1; // Set PORTD pin 7 as output pin for the PWM (according to datasheet)
do {
if (PINB0_bit) { // Detect if PORTB pin 0 is pressed
Delay_ms(40); // Small delay to avoid deboucing effect
current_duty++; // Increment duty ratio
PWM1_Set_Duty(current_duty); // Set incremented duty
if (PINB1_bit) { // Detect if PORTB pin 1 is pressed
Delay_ms(40); // Small delay to avoid deboucing effect
current_duty--; // Decrement duty ratio
PWM1_Set_Duty(current_duty); // Set decremented duty ratio
if (PINC0_bit) { // Detect if PORTC pin 0 is pressed
Delay_ms(40); // Small delay to avoid deboucing effect
current_duty1++; // Increment duty ratio
PWM2_Set_Duty(current_duty1); // Set incremented duty
if (PINC1_bit) { // Detect if PORTC pin 1 is pressed
Delay_ms(40); // Small delay to avoid deboucing effect
current_duty1--; // Decrement duty ratio
PWM2_Set_Duty(current_duty1); // Set decremented duty ratio
} while(1); // Endless loop

HW Connection

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